

BP Deepwater Disaster & Related Articles

Abramson, David, et al., 2013. “Children’s Health after the Oil Spill: A Four-State Study. Findings from the Gulf Coast Population Impact (GCPI) Project.” National Center for Disaster Preparedness, NCDP Briefing Report 2013_1. Columbia University Mailman School of Public Health, New York.

Bosch, X, Exposure to oil spill has detrimental effect on clean-up workers’ health. Lancet. 2003 Jan 11; 361(9352):147.

Burns, Kathy and Michael Harbut, 2010. Gulf Oil Spill Hazards, Sciencecorps, Lexington, MA, June 14, 2010. Available at

Carmichael, Ruth, et al., “Were Multiple Stressors a ‘Perfect Storm’ for Northern Gulf of Mexico Bottlenose Dolphins (Tursiops truncatus) in 2011?” PLoS ONE 2012; 7(7): e41155.

D’Andrea, Mark and Kesava Reddy, 2013. “Health consequences among subjects involved in Gulf oil spill clean-up activities,” The American Journal of Medicine, online proof,  See also 130917090305.htm

Devine, Shanna and Tom Devine, Government Accountability Project, 2013. Deadly Dispersants in the Gulf: Are Public Health and Environmental Tragedies the New Norm for Oil Spill Cleanups?

Jamail, Dahr, “BP’s ‘widespread human health crisis’, Aljazeera English, Oct. 27, 2013.

Kirby, James “Rip” III, “Findings of Persistency of Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbons in Residual Tar Product Sourced from Crude Oil Released during the Deepwater Horizon MC252 Spill of National Significance,” supported by the Surfrider Foundation, April 14, 2012,

Laffon, Blanca, et al., 2013. “Endocrine and immunological parameters in individuals involved in Prestige spill cleanup tasks seven years after the exposure,” Environment International 59 (2013):103–111.

Levy, Barry and William Nassetta, “The Adverse Health Effects of Oil Spills: A Review of the Literature and a Framework for Medically Evaluating Exposed Individuals,” Int J Occup Environ Health 2011; 17:121–167.

Louisiana Bucket Brigade, Self-Reported Health and Economic Impact Survey: An Analysis of the [BP] Deepwater Horizon Oil Disaster in Seven Coastal Louisiana Communities, March 3, 2011.

Morita A, et al., Acute health problems among the people engaged in the cleanup of the Nakhodka oil spill. Environ Res. 1999 Oct; 81(3):185-94.

O’Neill, Annie, 2003, Self-reported exposures and health status among workers from the EVOS cleanup. Master’s thesis M. P. H. Yale University, Department of Epidemiology and Public Health.

Ott, Riki, 2004, Sound Truth and Corporate Myths (Dragonfly Sisters Press, Cordova, AK: 2004). The following documents were sealed by court order until 2024, but were obtained by Ott and others prior to the court order:

•    Exxon Company, USA, 1989. Clinical data on upper respiratory infections: URIs–Breakdowns. In Garry Stubblefield and Melissa Stubblefield v. Exxon Shipping Company, Exxon Corporation,VECO, Inc., and Norcon, Inc. 3AN–91–6261 CV (HBS), AK Superior Court, Third Judicial District at Anchorage (1994).

•    Med-Tox, 1989a. Air monitoring results for oil mist: VOCs master by task and VOCs master by date. In Stubblefield v. Exxon (1994).

•    Med-Tox. 1989b. Results of air sampling for PAHs. In Stubblefield v. Exxon (1994).

•    Med-Tox, 1989c. Statistical summary of industrial hygiene monitoring. In Stubblefield v. Exxon (1994).

Phillips, Natalie. 1999. Still painful.10 years later, front-line spill workers link physical ailments to cleanup work. Anchorage Daily News, 23 March.

Riles, Eric, 2010, Health effects related to the sinking of the [BP] Deepwater Horizon oil rig, Medicine at Michigan, fall 2010, vol 12(3)

Subra, Wilma, “BP spill blood test results – Louisiana residents: Evaluation of the test results of whole blood volatile solvents testing.”

Subra, Wilma, 2011, Results of Health Survey of Individuals in Mississippi Impacted by the BP Deepwater Horizon Oil Disaster, Environmental Pollutants Released by Industrial Facilities in Southeast Mississippi, Subra Company/Louisiana Environmental Action Network.

U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. Oil Spill Dispersant (COREXIT ®EC9500A and EC9527A) Information for Health Professionals. Accessed Aug 18, 2010. In Riles, Health Effects.

Young, Jeff, 2011, “Toxic Tide – Discovering the Health Effects of the [BP] Deepwater Disaster (sic),” Part 1, NPR Living on Earth, week of Feb. 11, 2011.

Young, Jeff, 2011, “Toxic Tide – Discovering the Health Effects of the [BP] Deepwater Disaster (sic),” Part 2, week of Feb. 21, 2011. Including segment on oil rain confirmed by scientist: Clouds from Gulf did “rain oil” on land (video).

Zock JP, Rodriguez-Trigo G, Pozo-Rodriguez F, et al. Prolonged respiratory symptoms in clean-up workers of the prestige oil spill. Am J Respir Crit Care Med. 2007 Sep 15;176(6):610-6.



Tar Sands Oil & “Fracked Oil”

Brown, Matthew and James MacPhearson, AP, 2014, Warning issued about oil shipped from ND, Mont., Yahoo News, 1/3/14.

Colburn, Theo, The Endocrine Disruption Exchange: health effects of chemicals in natural gas operations

Earthworks, 2013, Reckless Endangerment in the Eagle Ford Shale: Government fails, public health suffers and industry profits from the shale oil boom. 

Faulkner County Citizens Advisory Group, 2013, Independent air tests at Mayflower Hill, a report.

Jamail, Dahr, 2011, The pipeline of ‘poison’. Al Jazeera English, Oct. 17.

MacPherson, James, N.D. oil leaks go unreported, Associated Press, Dec. 27, 2013.

McNish, Jacquie and Grant Robertson, 2013, The deadly secret behind the Lac Megantic inferno, The Globe and Mail, 12/3/13.

Savage, Karen, 2013, No relief in sight for Alabama community sickened by chemical spill, Bridge the Gulf.

Skinner, Lara and Sean Sweeney, 2012, The Impact of Tar Sands Pipeline Spills on Employment and the Economy, a report by Cornell University Global Labor Institute.

Song, Lisa, 2012, A Dilbit Primer: How it is different from conventional oil, Inside Climate News, June 26.

Stanbury, Martha, et al., 2010, Acute Health Effects of the Enbridge Oil Spill, Michigan Dept. of Community Health, rev. Dec. 20, 2010.

Subra, Wilma, 2013,

Swift, Anthony, et al., 2011, Tar Sands Pipelines Safety Risks, a joint report by National Resources Defense Council, National Wildlife Federation, Pipeline Safety Trust, and Sierra Club.





*CBD add ons

Almeda R, Wambaugh Z, Wang Z, Hyatt C, Liu Z, et al. (2013) Interactions between Zooplankton and Crude Oil: Toxic Effects and Bioaccumulation of Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbons. PLoS ONE 8(6): e67212. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0067212

Peterson, Charles, et al., “Long-term Ecosystem Responses to the Exxon Valdez Oil Spill,” Science 2003; 302:2082–2086. Chronic impacts from exposure to particulate oil or polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) in wildlife include: endocrine abnormalities and reproductive problems, immune system dysfunction, genotoxic effects, stunted or slowed growth and skeletal deformities, and disruption of behavioral and social functions critical for survival, among others.

Hamdan, Leila and Preston Fulmer, “Effects of COREXIT® EC9500A on bacteria from a beach oiled by the Deepwater Horizon spill,” Aquatic Microbial Ecology, 2011; 63:101-109.

Jamail, Dahr, “Gulf seafood deformities alarm scientists,” Aljazeera English, April 20, 2012.

Jamail, Dahr, “Gulf ecosystem in crisis after BP spill,” Aljazeera English, Oct. 20, 2013.

Mendelssohn, Irving A., et al., 2012, Oil impacts on coastal wetlands: Implications for the Mississippi River delta ecosystem after the [BP] Deepwater Horizon oil spill, BioScience 62: 562–574.

Rico-Martinez, Roberto, Terry Snell, and Tonya Shearer, 2013. “Synergistic toxicity of Macondo crude oil and dispersant Corexit 9500A® to the Brachionus plicatilis species complex (Rotifera).” Environ. Pollution, 173:5–10.

Sahagun, Louis, 2014, Toxins released by oil spills send fish hearts into cardiac arrest, Science Now, 2/13/14.,0,5212912.story#axzz2tKbuS7Oy

Schwacke, Lori, et al., Health of Common Bottlenose Dolphins (Tursiops truncatus) in Barataria Bay, Louisiana, Following the Deepwater Horizon Oil Spill, Environ. Sci. Technol. 2014, 48, 93−103,

Sammarco, Paul, et al., 2013, Distribution and concentrations of petroleum hydrocarbons associated with the BP/Deepwater Horizon Oil Spill, Gulf of Mexico, Mar. Poll. Bull. 73: 129–143.

Wade, Terry, et al., 2011, Analyses of water samples from the deepwater horizon oil spill: Documentation of the subsurface plume, in American Geophysical Union, Monitoring and Modeling the Deepwater Horizon Oil Spill: A Record-Breaking Enterprise, Geophysical Monograph Series, 195: 77–82.



BP Medical Benefits Class Action Settlement Agreement, Exhibit 8: Specified Physical Conditions Matrix,

Center for Biological Diversity, Surfrider Foundation and Pacific Environment v. EPA and the U.S. Coast Guard, Settlement Agreement and Order, Case No. 3:12-cv-01920-WHA (2013)

Det Norske Varitas, 2009, Blowout preventer reliability. In Bob Cavnar, Disaster on the Horizon (Chelsea Green, 2011). A Norwegian study of 15,000 blowout preventers in North America and the North Sea from 1980 to 2006 found that of the 11 times that BOPs had to activate, they did so successfully only 6 times, yielding a 45 percent failure rate.

Earthjustice, 2010, Petition under the Clean Water Act to Establish Toxicity Criteria and Require Toxicity Testing and Public Disclosure of Ingredients for Products on the National Contingency Plan Product Schedule, sent to EPA Administrator Lisa Jackson, Oct. 13, 2010.

James Fox, film producer, 2013, Pretty Slick, with scientists Drs. Jean Michel Cousteau, Sylvia Earle, Samantha Joye (Univ of Georgia), and Carl Safina (Blue Ocean Institute), among others.

Kirby, David, 2013, Corexit: An oil spill solution that is worse than the problem? Huffington Post, 4/23/13.

Moles, Adam, Larry Holland, and Jeffrey Short, 2002, “Effectiveness in the Laboratory of Corexit 9527 and 9500 in Dispersing Fresh, Weathered, and Emulsion of Alaska North Slope Crude Oil under Subarctic Conditions,” Spill Science and Technology. Volume 7, Issues 5-6: 241–247.

Nichols, William J. 2001. The U.S.EPA: National oil and hazardous substances pollution contingency plan, Subpart J Product Schedule (40 CFR 300.900). Inernat’l. Oil Spill Conf. 2001:1479–1483.

Peterson, Charles, et al., 2012, A tale of two spills: Novel science and policy implications of an emerging new oil spill model, BioScience 62: 461–469.

Prince William Sound Regional Citizens’ Advisory Council (PWSRCAC), 2002, A Review of Literature Related to Oil Spill Dispersants Especially Relevant to Alaska, prepared by Merv Fingas, Environment Technology Centre, Environment, Canada

PWSRCAC, 2008, A Review of Literature Related to Oil Spill Dispersants Especially Relevant to Alaska, 2002–2008, prepared by Merv Fingas, Spill Science, Edmonton, Alberta, Canada.Shaw, Susan D., ed., Consensus Statement: Scientists oppose the use of dispersant chemicals in the Gulf of Mexico, July 16, 2010. Statement drafted by Dr. Susan D. Shaw, Marine Environmental Research Institute.

Usher, Michael and Jo Townsend, Crude Solution, ABC 60 Minutes Australia, Part 1, Aug. 15, 2013.

Usher, Michael and Jo Townsend, Crude Solution, ABC 60 Minutes Australia, Part 2, Aug. 18, 2013.



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